I looked a long way behind the horizon barely visible mountain ranges, and in the front of this lower number of isolated mountains.
On top of the mountain ranges I found high built facilities, which continued at length throughout the mountain range .
But the central structures appeared heeled badly towards me, even though the other structures in its entirety appeared not to be any more stable.
Without warning the structures in the middle collapsed to bottom. They recklessly tossed bumping lower mountains and on the ground and in the end hitting sharply the lower Mountains highest peak, which was in my view to the left.
Some time after structures erected over the mountain range on each side came crushing down also.
When the dust had settled, this mountain range had remained almost intact, but lower down the mountains were hit badly.
Their tops were levelled, and they were badly bruised.


Obama is planning his own three-fold trilogy (emblem, seal).
It will be based on three Marxist doctrine for:
1. Freedom, 2 Fraternity, 3 Equality.
Obama´s trilogy will be based on three pillars, two of which are planned like pillars of garnet in Stonehenge, but the third is planned according to Obama´s own intuition.
Although Obama starting point is the doctrine of Marxist three pillars, he gives them his own personal interpretation and content.

1. Freedom will convert to "free choice". Accordingly, humans must be free to choose their lifestyle and style. He will be free to control his body and its sexual needs as well as the presence in the generic extension.
To achieve this, people may not be managed or controlled by the religious, or ideological constraints, he/she must be able to make his/her decisions free from outside pressures, traditions or beliefs. It also requires a return to ancient times lifestyles, beliefs and methods of worship, because anyway man needs a religion.
The highest human authority is the Society, corresponding to the needs and plans. It's the only doctrine each individual must consider and implement in their lives. Society defines the authority of human life and death principles. Human significance is determined by his / her usefulness to Society, outside there is no life.

2. Fraternity converts to be wearing "a man without boundaries and limitations". Between the peoples must not be any boundaries blocking the movement of people or staying there, where he enjoys the familiar. Accordingly, the world's natural resources are the world's common property. There is no longer a situation in which one of the people living in the lap of excessive luxury merely because it happens to live in abundant resource area; awhile neighbouring public hungers. There is no private company or a person who alone may provide for exploitation of natural resources; this should be in according to international community's plans and decisions.
Only such doctrine, it is possible to carry out a complete social justice, which many Cultures have struggled to achieve without success. Nor do people war in this society, because there is no need to it. Dangerous or destructive elements in the Society shall be removed by the effective control mechanism.

3. The third pillar Obama´s trilogy composition is based on his own interpretation. He starts from the story on Creation in connection with the incident of the fall to sin, where Satan attracted Eve to eat forbidden fruit of the tree, and to give Adam, who also ate, since the Tree seemed wonderful and appropriate to fulfil the promise of God-alikeness, which included knowledge of good and evil. (1.Ms.3)
Obama´s interpretation of the human race is, that it had acquired enough experience of what good means, that is God's guidance to mankind's life. It is therefore high time to try something else.
But man has always been curious to know what evil means, that is living free of the control of restrictions and prohibitions. It was not after many generations of Adam's time, when mankind had acquired the extent of the evil power by "the angels of God" contaminating human family, only Noa´s family excluded.
Because of this the power of evil in the mankind it had to be destroyed, except Noa´s family of 8 members, who were pure. This was done by means of "the Flood". (1.Ms.6)
OBAMA saw that the human family has once again experienced what good means.
It is therefore high time to experience what evil is. In order to carry out a promise of God-alikeness, mankind will enter upon experiencing once more what the evil is like.
But in order to execute intuition perfectly, all the previous religious and ideological constraints must be removed, such as the preceding paragraphs 1 and 2 mentioned. This time, God himself intervenes. "She removes out of the way him, which still reserves", thus lending Obama a free hand to function in society as he sees best. (2.Tess.2: 7)
BIBLE reports beginning of this time called the "anger or anxiety period". IN OBAMA´S interpretation, this is a golden age, when the world best brains are geared towards the international community's common good, the world's natural resources and products moving smooth, without discrimination or privilege for all peoples, all the world's resources as well make use of the Commonwealth to the full.
According this fascinating Obama´s plan, the world community is lead by an ingenious, almost over-human wisdom and knowledge, within the monarch, who generously share their wealth for every need. This superb leader is Obama himself. This is the goal of Obama´s trilogy plan.


The report is written in Obama´s name, but a result of prudence let it become symbolic.

In the Vision said ridge and its over-erected structure might be named by some, perhaps even the rest of them too. The centre part seems to collapse, without violence, because it is already on the verge of collapse. It is significant that the highest and most essential part collapses first, which probably play a role.
Its collapse would appear bulky in others, lower down installations, one of which is the most important and higher.
TRILOGY plan mentioned Stonehenge in England is fixed to the ancient cult structure at greatest pillars and slabs of garnet. Two northeast side fixed to the pillars was apparently placed to indicate the sun's rise and probably the whole system observing bodies of the heaven, above all, the moon. The whole system was used in the moon and sun worship, even though scientists are not clear, how. That, however, might draw the conclusion that Obama´s first two pillars are of related religious systems in which the moon is still a symbol of worship. The real idol is in Mesopotamian countries worshipped ancient pagan idol Baal, which was also used in the name of Allah.
Obama plans are set up through his own brilliance and ability to manage people in a way that someone used to refer to as non-visual ability (unseen power).
Only the nation of hated "pigs and monkeys offspring", many times set for destruction and attempts to people, does not consent to surrender Obama´s plan. So it has been designed in "last-ditch solution to the last" (the very final solution), which Obama himself starts to conduct.
Obama is not everything, lacking the wisdom to understand that God, who has final authority in times and ages, has ordered the red line, until were Obama can go. Once those have been exceeded, God Himself intervenes.
God himself takes the "final act" on Obama and his worshipped Satan, and He personally ensures that His will is done as planned. (Ilm.20)
He will also set up His own Empire, which is effectively a full liberty, fraternity and equality, but not on Obama´s Marxist plan basis.
Kastel 31.05.09


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